We help brands develop experiential product packaging without pulverizing their production schedules and design budgets. It’s how we sleep at night.
Cog works across a range of departments and organizations, such as research & development departments, design teams, printing & converting companies, and materials & embellishments organizations.
The Cogs live to drive innovation and reduce lost time, money, and opportunities. Expect improved exploration, mockups, prototypes, design realization, superior consumer engagement with brands, and being viewed as a demigod by your team.
Geared for Consumer Delight
So you achieve innovative packaging that engages the senses and wins consumer purchases.
Geared for Speed to Market
So each minute leverages everyone’s expertise to move concept unerringly to execution
Geared for Cost Avoidance
So not a penny is wasted on rework and designs that aren’t feasible.
Cog was forged in 2010 from dark matter and the muscles of superheroes.
We are a consumer packaging development and prototyping company ready to serve from Cincinnati, OH.
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Investment upfront with Cog will invariably lead to improved design, design feasibility, and design fidelity.