David Lukshus
Partner – President + CEO
On what inspired his design career
In 1990, I was an art director for Dick Jackson’s NYC advertising agency. Dick had worked with legends, like Jerry Della Femina, Onofrio Paccione, Norman Tanen, Mary Wells, and my favorite, Lou Dorfsman. I was a conceptualist and visualist at heart, and Lou was the legendary Creative Director for CBS. Although a copywriter, Dick knew what made me tick, and one day invited me to lunch at a Chinese restaurant in midtown. Soon after we sat down, in walked Lou Dorfsman to join us. I struggled to not say anything stupid through our conversation over noodle bowls. Lou soon became a friend and mentor. He taught me the important lesson that my job as a designer was to solve client challenges through objective creativity and not with the latest design trend. Today we call this Design Thinking. Back in the day, we just asked ourselves, “WWLDD?”
On favorite packaging designs
Impossible to pick just one. A few stand out. Orangina: the bottle and the graphic of the peeled orange. The reinvented Pharmacy Rx bottle and label by Target.
On what he’s into lately
I love revisiting the applied ceramic label (ACL) technique for printing on beer bottles. Rolling Rock, Corona, and others used this enameled look and feel rather than a paper label. This technique is mostly simulated now with a build-up of ink and coatings on a PSL material, but I still enjoy the vintage aesthetic. It takes me back to college days enjoying a Rolling Rock, rubbing my thumb across the graphics and pondering the meaning of its mysterious “#33” on the back of the bottle.
On recharging
Back in the Day: The Cornelia Street Café in NYC, the best under-the-radar, restaurant and basement jazz club that ever was. The diverse musicianship inspired and humbled me.
Today: While I search for my next jazz club, I’ll swim laps in an Olympic-size pool, hike a challenging trail, and discover new music genres and bands on KEXP (which is especially satisfying when my daughters are impressed).
Fun fact about me
I was the graphic designer for The James Beard Foundation in NYC before it hit the big time and became the mover and shaker of American regional cuisine that it is today. I designed and constructed the awards for the first James Beard Awards event by hand. They didn’t have a budget starting out, so they paid me with free meals during events at Jim’s house on W. 12th Street. Best job I ever had.