“Infused With Delight:” BXP Showcases Cog’s Mixicles Story.
When Mixicles® (www.mixicles.com) asked us to show some love to their unique, new product and complement their packaging agency, Redshoe Brand Design, we poured it on. Our Structural Design Specialist, David Brown, recorded his experience building an ingenious, first-time-ever product carton with a new client under an amazingly tight deadline. Read it in COGnitions™ here:
BXP (Brand Experience: Packaging) Magazine loved the story so much they featured it in their October issue. They did us proud. Check it out and peruse the rest of the content-rich pages. Click here and flip to page 19.
If you’re a cocktail connoisseur interested in having the ingredients frozen and ready to drop into your favorite spirit, look for Mixicles here. Cheers!